Guess Who?

Mom, you look so beautiful in all of those fancy clothes. And Pops, your lungi is to die for! Do dogs wear collars there? Are they viewed as pets in the same kind of way they are viewed here, or is it a little bit different? I think it would be neat to have a special fancy collar from there... hint hint.
Okay, on to some pictures from camp!
Lisa says she is so happy that everyone is getting along so well. (Except Louie, but he just found his new home! He left a few days ago. Here's a picture of the blind fluffball, just 'cause he's such a sight.)

See ya' Louie! Good luck in your new home!
And here's me and Maddy. You can tell by our expressions that someone had just finished telling a really good dog joke.

Heh heh heh...

I'm having a great time here, running around and jumping over the agility jumps like I am the puppy of the bunch. Lisa is convinced I have taken an agility class before, but I keep telling her it's just that I am especially talented in all ways.
It's way past my bed time... so one last thing... I miss you!
Love and unending slobbery kisses,