Adventures of Hound Dog
Wherein Mom and Dad left me at Campe, and wherein amidst the fun of my new adventures, I missed them both. Wherein I know they missed me too, and would like to share in my adventures. Wherein the Adventures of Hound Dog came to be.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
House Privileges!

There are no camp dogs here right now except me, and since I would have been the only one in the red barn, Lisa said I could have house privileges as long as everyone got along. "Everyone" means Mikko, since he's the only one who doesn't like other dogs. Someone needs to tell him he is one! But to his credit, he's been very accepting, so Lisa says I can sleep in the house from now on. Yay!
Love from camp,
Friday, December 29, 2006
Hounddog's Holiday Dilemma

Seasons Greetings from me and all the dogs at Hot Diggity Dog! And boy are there a lot of dogs here over the holidays. It's raining while I am typing this blog, but just a couple of days ago it was so nice, you'd have thought it was summer. Look how blue the sky was!

Maddy and I have been hanging out together a lot... until the holidays came that is. That's when I was faced with a huge dog dilemma. I really like Maddy, and we were chilling together when some of the holiday boarders started arriving. Then suddenly...

Gasp! It was Moxie! If you've been following some of my previous posts and comments, you know that I was head over paws for Moxie, and I was pretty devastated when she left. I thought she was gone forever. Then I got over her, and kind of developed a thing for Maddy... but seeing her again, I knew my heart was done for.

At first, I couldn't help but try to get her attention,... on the sly that is. Was she looking my way? I dared not look, I couldn't risk her seeing me all starry-eyed for her after she up and left me the first time. I know, they always say it's not the dog's fault, but it still hurts, and I have my ego to protect.

But here's where things get tricky. I wish Lisa would have gotten a clue and not let Maddy and Moxie out to play with me at the same time, but she is oblivious to this kind of thing, it would seem. Anyway, there we were, all three in the same yard. Luckily, some other dogs were there as distractors. Whenever Maddy wasn't looking, I'd take my chance and warm up to Moxie. She started giving me the eye, too, so I know she still cares.

But it wasn't long before Maddy figured things out. And before I knew it, she and Moxie were having a stand-off. Things were heating up. Lisa looked up just in the nick of time and called everyone over for what we thought was a big lecture.

To our surprise, she announced, "Remember, it's Christmas! Time for stockings, and dog kisses for everyone!" I thought it was a rather strange announcement, but we were glad she had broken up the tension, and happy to eat our Christmas bully sticks. After that things changed a bit. The tension just never returned. Maddy and Moxie made friends. And I got to hang out with both of them.

Maddy, such a supermodel.

Me, in the middle (of course!)

And, Moxie. Be still, my heart!

Mom and Pops, not counting your return home, it just doesn't get much better than this!
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Agile Athlete
Hi Mom and Pops! You've got to check me out! Lisa takes her dogs to agility classes at Lee Mannix, so she's set up some agility stuff at home, and I love to play on it. Here I am jumping over one of the jumps...

Here I am landing after an especially agile jump!

Lisa says this is really good for me, and she wants to take me to Lee Mannix and enroll me in beginning agility when she takes Emma for the same class. They only charge $75 for an additional dog. You'd just have to give her the okay, and then I could go!
As for Moxie... well, I'm over that. I kind of have a crush on Maddy now. She's been sharing her puppy pictures with me. Who wouldn't fall in love with this?

I can't believe you are moving near the beach! I wish I could be there and frolic in the ocean... you know I would love that. When I go to sleep here at camp, I'll be dreaming about being at the beach with you.

Here I am landing after an especially agile jump!

Lisa says this is really good for me, and she wants to take me to Lee Mannix and enroll me in beginning agility when she takes Emma for the same class. They only charge $75 for an additional dog. You'd just have to give her the okay, and then I could go!
As for Moxie... well, I'm over that. I kind of have a crush on Maddy now. She's been sharing her puppy pictures with me. Who wouldn't fall in love with this?

I can't believe you are moving near the beach! I wish I could be there and frolic in the ocean... you know I would love that. When I go to sleep here at camp, I'll be dreaming about being at the beach with you.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Guess Who?

Mom, you look so beautiful in all of those fancy clothes. And Pops, your lungi is to die for! Do dogs wear collars there? Are they viewed as pets in the same kind of way they are viewed here, or is it a little bit different? I think it would be neat to have a special fancy collar from there... hint hint.
Okay, on to some pictures from camp!
Lisa says she is so happy that everyone is getting along so well. (Except Louie, but he just found his new home! He left a few days ago. Here's a picture of the blind fluffball, just 'cause he's such a sight.)

See ya' Louie! Good luck in your new home!
And here's me and Maddy. You can tell by our expressions that someone had just finished telling a really good dog joke.

Heh heh heh...

I'm having a great time here, running around and jumping over the agility jumps like I am the puppy of the bunch. Lisa is convinced I have taken an agility class before, but I keep telling her it's just that I am especially talented in all ways.
It's way past my bed time... so one last thing... I miss you!
Love and unending slobbery kisses,